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Human Anatomy

The term "anatomy" derives from the ancient Greek meaning to dissect. As in veterinary anatomy human anatomy is subdivided into macroscopic (or gross) and microscopic anatomy. Macroscopic anatomy describes structures, organs, muscles, bones etc. which are visible to the naked eye, that is macroscopic.

There are several branches of anatomy, including the following:

  • Histology: The study of the microscopic structure of organs, tissues, and cells.
  • Embryology: Also known as developmental anatomy, the study of embryo development from a single-celled zygote to a fully formed fetus.
  • Gross anatomy: No, not 'disgusting' anatomy. This branch of anatomy has a large scale focus on organs and body structures as a whole.
  • Zootomy: The anatomical study of animals.
  • Phytotomy: The anatomical study of plants.
  • Human anatomy: Also known as anthropotomy, the anatomical study of the human body.
  • Comparative anatomy: The comparative study of the anatomy of different organisms.